Welcome to Troop 941

9 Patrols  4  1 Vision

BSA Troop 941 is proud to have given over two decades of service to Pleasanton. Our troop, which is sponsored by VFW Post 6298, has transformed young boys into world-class leaders and responsible citizens.

Current Eagle Scouts 


Annual Scouting Events


Registered and Active Scouts


Meeting Information

Weekly Meetings

 Every Monday from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Blue Oaks Church

7139 Koll Center Pkwy, Pleasanton, CA 94566

Event Calendar

Leadership and Citizenship

For over two decades, Troop 941 has been providing services to the Pleasanton community. Our program has implemented the values and aspects of the Scout Oath and Law in the lives of our scouts. Scouts can develop their interpersonal skills and learn how to be a prominent leader by adhering to these principles.

Outdoor Adventure

From monthly campouts in California parks to weeklong campouts in the summer, Troop 941 provides a variety of outdoor experiences and adventures. For more experienced scouts, we offer high adventure camps.

Community Service

To give back to the community and to follow the rule of "Do a Good Turn Daily," scouts participate in events such as Christmas Tree Pickup, food drives, and attend Eagle Projects. 

Quick links:

Scoutbook           Gear Lists       Opportunities

Scoutbook Guide            FAQ's          SCOUT GUIDE

Troop Library        Email Etiquette 
