Troop Events
Troop 941 scouts participate in many events, from helping out in our home city, Pleasanton, or just other troop events.
Wente Scout Reservation
Troop 941 goes to Wente scout camp for a week every summer. This Summer Camp is a wonderful experience for new and old scouts to level up in their path to Eagle Scout. This is one of the most exciting and fun experiences of the entire year. Scouts will have the opportunity to complete many merit badges, do many activities such as shooting sports and swimming in the Wente Scout Reservation in Willits, CA.
Christmas Tree Pick Up
Troop 941 scouts volunteer in picking up used Christmas trees all around Pleasanton. They pickup the trees and recycle them at the local landfill, where the trees are turned into wood chips. Scouts have a chance to earn money towards the Wente Summer Camp later in the year. Want to sign up? Click here!
Push Cart Derby
This is one of the best patrol-bonding events that our troop hosts each year. Each patrol has a patrol "pushcart" and they refurbish their patrol cart and race them on the Amador Valley High School parking garage.
Winter Camping
Troop 941 participates in winter camping every February. This camp changes locations every year based on snowfall and adventure level. Scouts will camp in the snow for 2 days and gain experience in surviving in the snow.
Memorial Day Flag Planting
Troop 941 and other troops participate in honoring our military service members who have died for our country by planting medallions and flags next to their headstones. This is a wonderful opportunity to get in community service and honor our country's heroes.
Troop 941 participates in a annual campout that's hosted by different troops each year. This campout features troops from all over our Golden Gate Area Council. Our troop competes with other troops in multiple activities to bring home awards and trophies.
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops: When the new PLC (Patrol Leader's Council) gets elected, they go on a campout to learn leadership skills and more about their positions. This provides a wonderful learning experience for new and veteran leaders and this campout helps develop the next generation of leaders.
Scouting For Food
Our troop excels in the annual "Scouting for Food" food drive, a service project aimed at collecting food donations for the Alameda County Food Bank. Our Scouts enthusiastically visit over 3000 households, distributing door hangers to encourage residents to contribute non-perishable items. Our troop collects the food donated by the community. This is our troop’s main service project of the entire year.
Veterans Day Parade
Scouts work with volunteers to make sure roads are barricaded and certain jobs are completed to make the parade run smoothly. This is another way to honor the country's heroes and collect service hours.
Wreaths Across Pleasanton
Troop 941 participates in making and hanging wreaths on the tombstones of fallen heroes in the Pleasanton cemetery.
White Elephant Bowling Party
Our scouts participate in bowling and bring gifts for a White Elephant gift exchange. It's a very fun activity for scouts to bond and have a good time.