Email Etiquette
When emailing an adult for amy purpose, scouts must follow a few simple rules. We must do this to follow the YTP rule (Youth Protection). Here's how:
When emailing an adult, YOU MUST CC (carbon copy) one of your parents' scout emails.
Then make a subject; make it short and sweet but remember to make sure it captures why you are emailing the adult. The email of the adult or anyone you are trying to reach will always be: [lastname][firstname]
REMEMBER: Be formal in your emailing. Your email should not be demanding or disrespectful. BE POLITE!
At the very end (when you are done typing your email), remember to address it! Scouts should end every email that is sent out of their scout account like this: ______________________________________________________________________________________
(Optional) Any other information, such as your phone number, patrol, and PLC role
YiS = "Yours in Scouting"