Q - Who is eligible to join Troop 941?

A - Troop 941 is currently welcoming all boys that meet Scouting America’s age requirements and are also Pleasanton residents. Due to the size of our troop, we are currently not accepting new applications outside of Pleasanton nor transfers from other local units. Interested youth within Pleasanton may be subject to a waitlist if membership exceeds 150 youth. In that case, another Scouting America troop may be a faster way to get started.

Q - What is the process to join Troop 941?

A - In order to be eligible to get more information on how to join T941, you will need to take several steps.  The first step is to come visit the troop on a regular troop meeting night, which is every Monday from 7:00 PM  to 8:30 PM with the exception of the 1st Monday of each month.  Be sure to introduce yourself to all the adult leaders and the troop's Senior Patrol Leader (SPL). Secondly, you will need to have visited at least 2 other troops before requesting information regarding registration. Lastly, if you’ve decided that Troop 941 is where you want to join, follow up with scoutmaster@troop941.org, and a detailed email with next steps along with a registration link will be provided.  

Q - Did you forget your email password or can't access your Troop email account?

A - Send an email to Mrs. Seo at GSuiteAdmin@troop941.org to get your password reset. Don't forget that the notification goes to your parent's personal email account, and they must sign in within 48 hours or the link will expire.

Q - How do I purchase a new piece of troop attire?

A -  Please refer to the Meeting Attire page. 

Q - Who can sign off requirements?

A - All Star-ranked or above scouts can sign requirements off for scouts below the rank of star (scout, tenderfoot, second class, first class).

Q - How do I get a Scoutmaster conference?

A - Contact the Troop 941 Scoutmaster, preferably via email, and ask to schedule a conference, including the rank you are going for. Remember to follow "2-deep YPT" (see below) and copy another adult on the email. Be sure to email him at least 2 weeks before the date you are hoping for a conference. 

Q - What is "2-deep leadership"?

A - "2-deep leadership" is a Youth Protection Program that requires two (2) adults to be present on all communication threads.

Q - What is the scout sign and why do we use it?

A - The scout sign is three fingers held in the air using your right hand. When your sign is in the air you do not talk unless you're saying the Oath, Law, or Outdoor Code.

Q - How do I get a Board of Review?

A - After completing all of your rank requirements, contact sukumarprasanna@troop941.org and kindly request to be added to the next month's BOR roster.